Using an ATtiny10 to generate a reset pulse.

  From powerup, wait about 3 seconds.
  Then produce a single 250mS pulse on PB0
      PB0 ─┤o     ├─
       0v ─┤ATtiny├─ +5v
          ─┤  10  ├─
#include <avr/sleep.h>

void delay (long milliseconds) {
  for (volatile long i = 23 * milliseconds; i>0; i--);

void setup () {
  delay (3000);       // Wait for target system to boot
  DDRB = 1;           // PB0 as an output
  PORTB = 0b0000;     // PB0 digitalWrite(0, LOW)
  delay (250);        // Wait
  PORTB = 0b0001;     // PB0 digitalWrite(0, HIGH)
  DDRB = 0;           // PB0 as an input and therefore tristate
  SMCR = 0b0101;      // Set Sleep register Power-down, Sleep Enable
  sleep_cpu();        // CPU and clock off

void loop () {

Before you say, why don't you just use a 555 or a CPU Supervisor chip.
From power-up, this waits 3 seconds then produces a low 250mS pulse.
No external components required.
The ATtiny10 was programmed using a USBasp Programmer
The Arduino IDE 1.8.19
Using this add on

MATE Desktop Keyboard Volume Step

Adjusting media volume via keyboard shortcut too coarse?
Paste into a command line:-

gsettings set volume-step 1

Adjusting the volume level using the keyboard is much finer now.
Tested on Linux Mint 21.2 Victoria. With the MATE Desktop environment.

If you use a plain vanila Gnome desktop. You can "probably" use the GUI dconf Editor.
Using dconf Editor drill down to
Change the "Size of volume step" to a custom value, 1 for example. Default is 6.

Automatic Level Control (ALC) PulseAudio + LADSPA

This is the bare minimum of information you require to make this function work. I hate long drivelling posts.


sudo apt-get install swh-plugins


pacmd list-sinks|grep name:

It will report your output device name.

Mine in this example is:
name: <alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo>
Paste the text in bold from your results, replacing the * below:

pacmd load-module module-ladspa-sink sink_name=ladspa_sink master=* plugin=dyson_compress_1403 label=dysonCompress control=0,1,0.5,0.99

It's important you execute the command above on one line, no word wrap.
Put the whole line in a script, make it executable and make it part of your "Startup Applications".
Go to your "Sound Preferences", click the "Output" tab and choose the LADSPA plugin you just added.

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